Hey to all of you out there! I am currently going to Clatsop Community College and am working on my AAOT. I will transfer and go on to becoming a teacher.
I am really excited about taking WRT 122. I was born to argue. When I went to visit my grandparents we would have long discussions and sometimes I would take the opposing side even if I didn't agree with it. I would like to believe that I am very open-minded and believe that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.
I am a more than full time student, part time employee of The Home Depot and single mom of a 20-month angle (most days). I would like nothing more than to make a difference in a world by teaching children. I think that it is very important that children have great teachers, mentors and advocates. You never know when you are going to be that one person that made a difference in a persons life!
Speaking of debating, I love that movie The Great Debaters, have you seen it? Best wishes with your studies. It will over be over sooner than you think. I remember my going to school and working at Kroger days.