Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stimulus Package: COBRA Subsidy Won’t Stimulate the Economy

by Cristine Shade

COBRA is an acronym for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. It provides that employers with 20 or more employees make available temporary access to medical coverage under the employer’s group plan for their employees who lose coverage (CRS. Summary). I have been a payroll accountant for the past six and half years and I am familiar with the compliance issues surrounding the provisions of COBRA. With the steadily rising cost of healthcare, this portion of the Stimulus Package will offer employees the option of retaining their coverage for a substantially less amount. Prior to the adoption of the stimulus package, the employee’s cost of continuation coverage was 102% of the premium. The additional 2% is for administrative fees and is a provision of the COBRA act. Under the recently adopted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, sixty-five percent of the cost of COBRA premiums will be subsidized by the Federal Government. The cost of this subsidy is estimated at $24.7 billion (Senate Finance et al. 16). Unfortunately, subsidizing COBRA continuation coverage will not help the economy because it only benefits insurance companies.

A government subsidy of 65% sounds great until you read the fine print. I received an e-mail from my company’s payroll software vendor which stated that “the new law requires employers to advance the 65 percent premium subsidy on behalf of the government” (Ceridian.com). What this means to employers is that they have to be able to pay 65% of the health insurance premium each month that coverage is elected for involuntarily dismissed personnel. The money will then be credited back via quarterly tax payments. This will be a substantial burden to employers because they will have to carry the financial load for three months before seeing a return in the form of a reduction in their taxes. Some employers cannot afford to do that, especially if they lay off employees due to financial reasons. Unemployment is currently 5.8 percent in our country, and all four regions (West, South, Midwest and Northeast) reported significant increases in unemployment in 2008. Oregon reported 6.4 percent unemployment, which is up from 5.1 percent in 2007. Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the country at 8.4 percent, and Utah has the lowest at 3.4; however, both states reported increases in 2008.

The cost of health insurance is so high that even a subsidy of 65% will not help people living on unemployment. Unemployment does not pay you 100% of your lost wages every month; your benefits are based on your prior base wages. “As of December, 2008, OR benefits ranged from $108 to $463” per week (Salary.com). How can individuals pay for health insurance, even at a reduced rate, when they have lost a significant portion of their monthly income? A survey performed by Charles D. Spencer and Associate in 2006 showed that of the individuals eligible for COBRA, only 27% elected coverage. That figure is up only slightly from 20% reported in 2004 (CRS. 7). The subsidy will make healthcare affordable for only a few more but there will still be a significant number of people without healthcare because they can’t afford it.

The clear winners of the government subsidy will be the insurance companies. Not only are they exempt from carrying any of the cost of the subsidy, their profit will be increased by the individuals that are able to elect COBRA coverage due to the subsidy. “Pharmaceutical manufacturers made up the second most profitable U.S. industry in 2006, with profits of 19.6 percent, compared with 6.3 percent for all Fortune 500 companies” (AFL-CIO). Other shocking statistics include the annual multi-million dollar salaries of pharmaceutical and insurance company CEOs, uninsured Americans number forty-seven million, and private insurance companies spend fifteen percent of their money on administrative costs annual while Medicare spends three percent (AFL-CIO). I will soon be laid of from my job. The cost of my health insurance under COBRA will be approximately $350 per month. I’m not sure how we will afford this, but I know we can’t afford to be without health insurance.

The average annual cost of treating the uninsured and under-insured is approximately $100 billion. Of that figure, hospitals are uncompensated for about $34 billion worth of services annually (NCHC 4). It could be argued that the COBRA subsidy will reduce that cost, however, the number of individuals reported to have elected COBRA in 2006 is barely over three million (CRS 8). As I mentioned earlier, there are currently forty-seven million people that are uninsured. Based on the disparity of these numbers, it is probably that a conclusion can be made that this subsidy will not help our economy.

While some individuals may benefit from finally being able to afford COBRA health care coverage, the employers bear the entire burden of the subsidy up front. With the staggering number of people uninsured and the rising number of unemployed the numbers just don’t add up. Insurance companies have no additional administrative costs or liability associated with the subsidy which proves that they will benefit more than any one else from the government subsidy of COBRA. It is also likely this portion of the stimulus package will have unforeseen costs and consequences.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Krista's Economic Paper

Have you ever written a $787 billion dollar check?  As of February 13, 2009 President Obama can say yes; just by signing a huge stimulus plan to improve our economic crisis.  Reporters and politicians have attacked and argued over this bill since the idea was introduced.  Sixty-six percent of Americans support the 2009 Economic Stimulus Package because of the education benefits being offered as well as many other anticipated improvements (http://people-press.org).  These benefits include creating and saving jobs for teachers, updating schools, and preventing already budgeted programs from disappearing.  If the stimulus plan follows through as predicted many students will gain the knowledge and experience promised to them as American citizens.

Saving our teachers' jobs is beneficial in many ways to parents, teachers, and their students.  Educators in grade, middle and high schools are walking into their classroom anticipating the worsts. They are not only worried about their own kids and family; teachers are concerned about the kids whose lives have been impacted.  In New York City alone nearly 14,000 teachers will retain their jobs because of 2009 Economic Stimulus Plan.  In Oregon 44,000 jobs will be saved, 3,000 of which are geared toward education (http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/02/12/2009-02-12_obama_stimulus_plan_may_mean_huge_infusi.html).  The future of Americans lies in the hands of our educators.  They have devoted their life to education and promote a healthy future for America.

A critical part of preparing students for the 21st century is updating our schools with learning tools such as computers and other necessary systems.  The plan concentrates on providing and updating technology for the classrooms, labs and libraries.  Keeping up with the never ending advances among computers and programs can be costly but important.  President Obama recognizes just that when he puts part of the money aside to support updating our schools.  The libraries will be updated with new edition reference materials to ensure students have the most accurate information at their fingertips.  These much needed classroom materials will be provided.  The materials are new  textbooks and renovations to update teaching techniques such as replacing dust filled chalkboards with sleep, easy to clean white boards.  All our students will benefit form these updates (http://www.edweek.org)

After school and during school programs are great to keep students occupied with safe and fun learning activities.  With financial cuts being discussed for programs all students will not have the same opportunity.  Most parents can't afford to set money aside for their child's favorite extracurricular activity like they are now being asked to do.  After school events keep kids safe, and away from drugs and other challenges in our society.  Sport teams are also suffering and penny pinching.  Being a member of a team teaches students to work together and also keeps them healthy by promoting physical activity.  The program previously known as Future Farmers of America now just he FFA Program promotes working together and efficiently.  The FFA students focus more on scholastic and problem solving skills.  And like similar to sports, students get to travel to different schools to compete.  Taking these programs away will definitely have a large impact on our kids.  All students should be allowed the same opportunities as they were just years ago.  Now parents have to scramble to find daycare for their kids after school because after school because after school programs are no longer dependable.

Now we have to remain positive and trust the largest investment in the United State's history will be worth the debt and other sacrifices (http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2009/02/with_history_an.html).  Education is something very important and affects almost everyone.  I hope the money is used wisely yet generously to improve the environment in which students have the right to find themselves and discover who they are.  Many still fear President Obama has continued to dig us into a larger hole that will take years and years to pay back.  Many officials are monitoring the progress of this plan very closely in order to avoid unnecessary expenses for us as taxpayers.  Only time will tell if this plan is really what America needs to move forward.

Krista's Advertising Essay..ehh..

The bright orange unusually skinny cheetah has become a face recognized by most people in America; his name is Chester Cheetah.  This devious cat made his first appearance in 1986 as a cartoon character.  His writers and illustrators consider him a "hip cat."  Before long he captured our hears and his popularity grew.  Cheetos are a crunchy corn snack enjoyed by millions everyday but originally in Australia during the 1980s (http://www.smiths.com.au/student/cheetos.html).  Chester quickly became the face of Cheetos and is currently occupying that position today.

Good products like Cheetos will continue to strive.  like most anything in the world, advertisement changes looks, quality, and approaches to attracting new and maintaining consumers.  Chester is forced into always discovering new methods to keep his audience entertained and to keep the Frito-Lay product on the shelf.  The slogans "Dangerously Cheesy" and "The Cheese That Goes Crunch" are words often not far from the deceitful cheetah's mouth.  Chester is known throughout his commercials and even his appearance on Family Guy for being crafty and mysterious.  The plots of his most recent commercials focus on using Cheetos for an unintended purpose.  Examples of these behaviors include putting Cheetos in a dryer full of clean, white clothes or messing up a co-worker's cubical by leaving crumbs behind.  The Frito-Lay Company is constructively looking for original ways to leave a leasing impression on snack-goers; in my opinion it works.
The Cheetos commercials touch on a different aspects of the advertising trends.  The number one method the consumer notices is the suspensfulness f it all.  The commercials draw you in by demonstrating extreme measures and behaviors in different but realistic scenarios.  A particular commercial starring a high-maintenance, spoiled girl seems to be a perfect example.  The setting for "Spoiled Girl" takes place at a downtown cafe where a Cheetos enjoyer overhears a bad-mannered girl loudly discussing her unpleasant thoughts and ungrateful actions.  Chester of course isn't too far away plotting with the other women and talking her into throwing a pile of Cheetos on the ground by her feet.  The purpose is to attracted pigeons and eventually cause a scene.  Of course the cat was right and successfully manipulated another seemingly innocent person.

The overall theme of Chester's commercials sends multiple messages to the audience.  The commercial reaches out to those who are afraid to express themselves in a way that promotes bad behaviors.  Or perhaps to bully already bad behaved people to be more respectful.  The message comes across to the view and is followed up with not asking the customer to purchase the Cheetos but rather visit the website (cheetos.com) to see more.  I logged onto this sight to get a feel from the theme.  The website is drawn around the commercials including the friendly faces of victims, vandals, and of course the mastermind himself, Chester.  The website outlines the different stories and refers to them as "challenges" which is a word that inspires many consumers.

There are ongoing and pending arguments regarding whether or not Chester Cheetah had gone too far with this last approach to attract patrons.  Some argue he is overplayed by trying to fulfill too many roles over the last twenty-two years.  Some analyzers ponder how a "hip-cat" changed into a mysterious, complex character with dark motives (http://www.slate.com/id/2186601/).  I admire that advertising technique put forth for potential buyers.  The commercials are aimed for an audience with a dark sense of humor and I believe during these hard times a little laugh about a strange, quirky Cheetah is just what we all need.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Katie Allen
Ms. Cook
Writing 122
3 March, 2009
Green Economics and the Stimulus Plan

The American Recovery and Reinvestment act that President Obama signed into law last month was designed to increase employment, ensure the sustainability of the country’s infrastructure and energy sources, and put money back into America’s economy following the crushing impact of the recession. Barack Obama has pledged a total of $787 billion towards reaching these goals, $7.22 billion of which will be put towards projects and programs overseen by the EPA (environmental protection agency).
The Stimulus Plan is expected to generate 3.5 million jobs overall, with $500 million going to help train workers for environmentally friendly, or “green collar” jobs (Greenblatt, A). These employment opportunities will help train new workers to make renovations to our buildings (weatherization to help cut energy costs); renovations to the automobile industry (research into hybrid and electric cars); and renovations to the public transit system (improving it so that more people will utilize it instead of driving). Taking these steps will increase the likelihood of future generations of Americans adopting and sticking to more sustainable forms of energy production and transport, and will result in fresher air and a cleaner water supply. All in all, it is expected that making green choices now will mean a healthier and more prosperous future for the country, a future in which we are a great deal more energy and economically independent than we are today.
One of the areas hit hardest by the recession has been the construction industry. Construction virtually halted in December of 2007, resulting in a devastating loss of jobs. As of right now, an estimated 10.8% of our country’s construction workers are unemployed. My own mother and stepfather have been negatively affected by the lack of building going on: They had to relocate to Wisconsin in September because my stepfather (who is a general contractor) could not find work, resulting in the family not being able to afford to stay in their Oregon home.
One of the first things that this package aims to do is create construction jobs. The Clean Energy Corps, along with more than 80 labor, environmental, and civic national organizations are supporting a proposal that would apply energy efficient improvements to over 15 million buildings (Morley, J). This would mean that there would immediately be an increase employment in the construction sector, which is an obvious benefit to the nation’s economy (seeing as how people generally can only put money back into the economy when they are earning money themselves). This move would also help address the energy crisis: by adding insulation and replacing inefficient appliances, the owners of the improved buildings would see a marked decrease in energy costs. The best thing about this proposal is that it can be instated immediately.
Much of the “green” section of Obama’s Stimulus plan is driven by a sense of urgency. Obama says that there will be a division of funds that supports giving the most money to plans and programs that can go into effect soonest, and will allow states to have a say in how the funds are invested. The EPA’s inspector general is responsible for the oversight and review of the money, but a basic breakdown of the funds proposed looks something like this: $5 billion will go towards the weatherization of homes and buildings; $300 million will support rebates for buying energy efficient cars and appliances, thus encouraging people to buy green, $6 billion will be invested in improving water quality; $100 million will be spent on grants to evaluate and clean up former industrial and commercial sites called “brownfields”; $300 million will pay for a diesel reduction plan; $200 million will clean up petroleum leaks; and $600 million will go towards finding a solution for the hazardous waste management problem.
These fundings are of course intended to be beneficial. By pouring money into programs that support the creation of jobs which in turn support a healthy environment, future generations are being set up to inherit a greener world, which most will agree is an excellent prospect. There has, however, been much debate as to weather we are wise to invest so much money in programs that we have not previously tested. Analysts say that government spending only diverts money from the private sector through taxation, and argue that as a nation already in so much debt, we have no business investing in things such as green job creation. Still others will say that Obama’s plan is not green enough, citing accusations that many of the jobs created by the plan are not, in fact, as environmentally friendly as they seem. These jobs have been termed “gray” jobs, and include such projects as the $8.5 million reconstruction of a bridge in rural Missouri. These critics allege that construction like this will only encourage more driving, which is not very green at all.
The long and short of it is that there is a massive amount of oversight and accounting for the way funds are being spent that must be taken into consideration. If Obama can appoint someone who is well qualified and who will take seriously this country’s need for a move towards green economics and sustainable jobs, then the stimulus package’s chances of success will be better. Hopefully the higher ups who are in charge would like to achieve this. Conversely, if the oversight is poor, the potential for misspent funds is great.
If Americans want to improve the future, we must act as a whole, and that has been proven a difficult task, since it is true that key decisions will always be made by a powerful few. Hopefully, these powerful few have the right ideas in mind. In the meantime, the best thing the individual can do is keep his or herself in check with regards to the ways in which we live our lives. Cut back on frivolous spending. Try to carpool or use mass transit more often. Recycle. Hopefully the government will follow suit.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Auto Industry Bailout

The Auto Industry Bailout

“The part of the General Motors (GM) request for money that is very clear is that, in exchange for $16.6 billion, the company will fire 47,000 people…The Administration knows that it has to save GM as part of steadying the economy, but it has put itself into a policy position where killing some jobs is the excuse for saving others” (McIntyre). We see how the economy is affecting all of us every day. Gas is constantly going up and so is the price of all goods. Plane tickets are also on the rise because of this trickle down effect. Automakers are not adjusting their industry fast enough to keep up. GM is still making vehicles that get less than 20 miles per gallon and they wonder why Americans are not purchasing new vehicles. When large companies fall it makes room for smaller businesses to flourish. We should not continue to bail out auto companies because these businesses have had poor business habits and are not continuing to better. If we let this empire fall, then maybe we will have a new industry will rise out of the ashes of the falling industry to meet the needs of the consumer.
Mark Zandi of Moody’s Economy.com told Congress back in December that it could take up to $125 billion to bail out GM and Chrysler. When GM and Chrysler asked for $17.4 billion we had no idea how much more that they would ask for. In addition to the $17.4 billion GM received another billion and now are asking for yet another $30 billion if you add it all up you see that it is nearly $50 billion. According to an article in time.com, “GM says it needs more money for the federal government or it will run out of cash next month” (McIntyre).
The government should let GM sink. Businesses have rise and fall that is the way the economy works.

Instead of bailing out these companies who have no interest in thinking of the big picture of the little guy, maybe we should be thinking of ways that we could invest our precious funds in several businesses that will better the economy and environment in the long run. Perhaps the government could invest in a business that will make jobs for people instead of cutting them. “It may be the only time in U.S. history where the government will pay to put tens of thousands of its own citizens out on the street” (McIntyre). We should not be rewarding bad business habits by giving more money to waste only to see more people suffer. We need to take action in things that will be better now and in the future.
“Analysts believe that GM going into Chapter 11 would put hundreds of thousands of Americans at the car company and its suppliers out of jobs…Congress and the Administration may have to keep GM on life support indefinitely” (McIntyre). That would be a good argument if the company had shown by the government giving them money they could save jobs. However this is not the case, GM still continues to make poor decisions and invest poorly. Instead of CEO salary cuts GM cuts 47,000 jobs. Does America really need to be investing in a company that truly only thinks about profit and not the people who work so hard for them?
After spending billions upon billions in bailing out companies that fail to meet our expectations, are we really going to sit by and watch our government, give more of our money away? We should cut our losses let the businesses go under and make room for more businesses. We should reinvest in smaller businesses that have a chance in doing good and thus creating more jobs. Job loss is going to occur in either situation, it should be on our terms. Fighting for businesses that will in fact work and be better for the economy.


http://www.usnews.co/blogs/flowchart/2009/02/18/9-bailout-surprises-from-gm-and-chrysler.html By Rick Newman

www.time.com GM Bailout: Billions to Put People Out of Work By Douglas A. McIntyre
Auto Bailout: Why Aren’t the Shareholders Paying?
Elisa Lindquist

What comes to mind when we hear the word “economy”? I think about trillions of dollars going to save the financial industry, or the failing stock markets, and of course, the Big Three Bailout. The proposed bailout of GM, Ford, and Chrysler has been a hot button issue for millions of people due to the fact that these companies have been making billions of dollars from the beginning and throwing it right into shareholders and executives pockets. As necessary as the bailout of the Big Three may be, there are some serious flaws to the situation. Allowing Ford, GM, and Chrysler to take the easy way out is wrong because these companies should be sacrificing as much as, if not more than, every other middle and lower class tax payers who will be paying for this bailout. The big business CEO’s need to empty their coffers before we empty ours!
When the newscasts exploded with news of the proposed bailout last year, the projected assistance package raised many questions but produced few answers. At About.com one journalist explained why it would affect almost every person from coast to coast: “In December 2008, the auto industry asked the government for a $34 billion bailout to avoid bankruptcy. The Big Three stated that their demise would trigger three million layoffs within a year, plunging the economy further into recession” (Amadeo 1). Unfortunately it is not as easy as saying “let’s let the big wigs pay out of their own pockets and go down in flames!” because the issue trickles down to millions of workers.
If Ford, GM, and Chrysler went under it would create a catastrophic landslide effect for our country. An article put out in Huffington Post in December, 2008 explains that both GM and Chrysler have been forced to idle plants and lay off thousands of workers across the United States. These companies also explained that without the government assistance that they could face bankruptcy within a matter of weeks. Although the Senate Republicans were completely against the idea, former President Bush gave in to the auto makers wishes. Bush decided to tap into the $700 billion dollar financial rescue fund for a temporary quick fix to keep the Big Three in business throughout the end of 2008. The government officials were not ruling out the prospect of bankruptcy of one or more of these companies, they just wanted to help in the reorganization process and hope they could make a difference.
Many find themselves wondering how on earth three of the biggest auto makers in the united States could end up in such a predicament When you take into consideration how much the shareholders and head honchos make, you then have to add how much they spend on labor and production. An article CNS News released says, “It costs over $73 per hour on average to employ a union auto worker, according to University of Michigan at Flint economist Mark J. Perry. For U.S. workers at Toyota, however, the per hour labor cost is around $47.60, around $43 for Honda and around $42 for Nissan, Perry added, for an average of around $44” (Winn 1). Those numbers don’t come from straight pay; they also come from insurance benefits as well as retirement plans, etc. Having union workers can become very spendy. The auto companies cut around five thousand jobs through buyouts and early retirement packages by the end of November, and plan on drastically reducing vehicle production in the first quarter of 2009 by 250,000 units. These numbers mean big problems for these financially distressed auto companies. GM, Ford, and Chrysler will still be paying huge salaries through pensions and early buyouts, and when they are cutting production that means big problems for already troubled companies. How are the manufacturers supposed to offset these costs when they are also cutting production?
Finding the enthusiasm to support such a bailout is proving to be a difficult task. One of the hardest pills to swallow with the avoiding bankruptcy situation is that the CEO’s of these multi-billion dollar companies still get to keep their six and seven figure incomes. They should be contributing to the bailout with their own money since they could not keep control of their own business in the first place. The aid for these big companies come from people like myself and other hardworking Americans, when ironically, most of us couldn’t afford to drive the vehicles that are being produced by these companies. Our government needs to decide when the taxpayers have had enough and quit bleeding us dry.
One stipulation of the bailout is that the auto companies make some changes to manufacturing and spending. I know one big one is to “go green’ and be more environmentally friendly. That is really one of the only positive aspects of the bailout that might ease Americans’ minds and soften the financial blow to our own pocketbooks. The companies will also be under strict regulations and must comply with the rules that the government has laid out for them. A few of those regulations include; Labor costs must be competitive with other automakers in the US like Toyota, Honda, etc., they must show a positive net value by the end of March, and current President Obama can renegotiate these terms at any time he sees fit. Hopefully the assistance the government is offering will make a positive impact on the auto industry and possibly give a nudge to help turn the economy around.
One fact is if the big auto manufacturers went under, it would surely throw us into the depths of a full blown depression. I can understand that we need to take care of this nasty mess before it turns toxic to our country, but I also believe that the CEO’s and company big wigs need more than just a slap on the wrist and probation. It’s about time that we show big companies that times are changing and they can’t run the show anymore. It’s time to be honest and take responsibility for their arrogance and greed. This is their one and only shot at making things right, so hopefully they don’t flush it down the toilet.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Advertisement- Dogs Make Better Pets

Dogs Make Better Pets

Could you imagine a rhinoceros as a pet? You could attempt to attach a leash to this six-foot, 8000-pound mammal. Even if you manage this fantastic task where do you take it for a walk? Where exactly do you house this enormous animal? How about a bore or an ostrich? I highly doubt that would taking a pet bull to the park to fetch a Frisbee is even legal. That idea is exactly what Pedigree did for their commercial during the 2009 Super Bowl. They brought together images of people and their ridiculous pets. If you assume that most people who have pets like dogs and do these activities then the examples that were given would be very effective. The advertisement was a great example why dogs really do make better pets.

When thinking of the image in the commercial of a rhino running through a living room and wrecking everything in its path it brings home the idea that they would make a bad pet. Rhinos weigh anywhere from 400 to 8000 pounds and are anywhere from 4 ½ feet to six feet tall. Just the enormity of this animal would deter me from wanting one as a pet. I wouldn't need to go into too much thought of feeding it 133 pounds of foliage per day or even where I would put that much food. A dog of average size running to you through the living room wouldn’t knock down two walls and eliminate all the furniture in your house. A rhino would do exactly that. Besides seeing this image and thinking how impractical a pet would make I wondered how exactly the rhino made it through the door in the first place.
I noticed in the advertisement that the house is decorated as if this person really had a rhino. With pictures of herself and her rhino just like a person who owned a dog would do. This was also very effective.

This advertisement is targeting people who like pets. That is the only specific that I can see because there are all different people in the ad. Different race, gender, age to me means that the only type of people that Pedigree is targeting is person that like, have, or want a pet. It is supposed to be common knowledge that “dog is man’s best friend”. The images of the people playing with their pets are images that you see every day. A person walking their dog and playing fetch with a dog is common. I think that by introducing images that are commonplace like a pig instead of a dog riding in a car would make you automatically think of a dog and the idea would be catchy.

Pedigree’s advertisement is trying to get people to adopt dogs. By giving examples of the things that people normally do with dogs but showing different animals in the place of a dog they effectively show how a dog is better. For a person who is in the market for a new pet it would work it would show how universal dogs are. The person watching the ad can replace the images with the image of a dog and it would be very effective.
The ostrich would out run the mailman in no time since ostriches can run up to 46 miles per hour and the average human can not. I do not have the space to house an ostrich. They need a fenced area of 200 square yards of space to run around they can’t be kept in a house. The ostrich could probably be fed easily enough but housing it would be another matter. The can weigh up to 330 pounds and usually require a very large running space with specialty fencing to keep them contained. Also they can live up to 70 years in captivity so if you decide to get an ostrich when you are fifty it could easily out live you.

Some animals should not become domesticated pets like the rhino, ostrich, boar, and bull. The behaviors, size, and even smells are things that you can’t change. I do not believe that anyone has ever been able to successfully teach a bull to fetch. The companionship of dogs has been going on for centuries and will continue on for centuries to come. Pedigree has very effective advertisements and this is another testament to a good choice the company made.

Adina's Cover Letter

Adina Baidoo
Warrenton, Oregon 97146

January 27, 2009

Mr. Jim Reger
Milton-Freewater School District
53445 W. Rerndale Rd
Milton-Freewater, OR 97862

Dear Mr. Reger:

I am currently attending Clatsop Community College in Astoria. I am currently holding a 3.72 GPA. I am working on my AAOT Degree so that I can transfer to Oregon State University or Portland University. I am going to continue my education in the field of Education. I am submitting my application in hopes that I will be considered for the OSPA Scholarship. Being selected for this scholarship will help me to achieve my goal in becoming a teacher. I appreciate the opportunity the scholarship will give me.

One of the most important things in a person’s life is their education. Without education we cannot go far in life. As a child I really enjoyed learning and because of this I excelled in anything I applied myself to. However except for my freshman year in high school, I attended Horizon Instructional Systems. This was a state funded Charter school. During my freshman year in high school I did not feel that my needs were being met. I was completely unengaged and felt no challenge whatsoever. My decision to attend a charter school was supported by my parents. I felt that I would be challenged and would feel engaged because I could work at my speed and level. I graduated at the top of my class. The required credits to graduate were 250. I had well over 350, more than 100 than the entire graduating class. Having that opportunity and that visionary education really inspired me to become an educator.

If you wish to change something for the better, then you need to become a part of it. I want nothing more than to support my little girl and to become a proud educator in Oregon. In the area that I live the need for teachers is great. I would like to finish my degree and begin my career in the Clatsop County School District. I believe that I can make a difference and would be grateful for the opportunity.

I welcome any questions that you may have. I can be contacted at XXX-XXX-XXXX, at my email address or at the address listed above.

Thank you for your consideration.


Adina Baidoo

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Elisa Lindquist's Cover Letter

Elisa Lindquist
Po Box 1102 Warrenton, OR 97146
January 25, 2009

Mrs. Lin Storey
Human Resources Department
TLC Federal Credit Union
PO Box 160
Tillamook, OR 97141

Dear Mrs. Lin Storey:
I have been working in the banking industry for almost five years now, and I am looking to further my experience and qualifications in a customer service position. With that in mind, I was very excited to see that your credit union is currently seeking a member service representative and I would love for you to consider me for the position.

I know I would be a great candidate for the position of Member Service Representative as I have vast knowledge of financial products and services. I am very outgoing, professional, and can represent TLC Federal Credit union in a positive and professional way. My previous employment at Bank of Astoria taught me the fundamentals of the financial world and I believe that I have many experiences that I can bring to the table. Duties that I were responsible for previously include balancing the vault daily, counting and preparing cash shipments to and from the Federal Reserve, file maintenance of accounts, and many other customer service related tasks. I have vast experience with multi-line phones and can handle just about any problem I am faced with in a cool and collected manner. I am also very proud to say that I have a perfect balancing record for the years of 2006-2007. I pride myself in being accurate and detailed.

Many skills that I possess are transferable. I am currently bonded and insured as a loan processor. A few of my skills include use of a ten-key calculator, many different computer programs and software, such as Microsoft word and Excel, problem solving and alternate method techniques. Once I get to know all of TLC’s products and services I am positive I will be great at cross-selling the credit union’s products and services. I am positive that my knowledge and experience will be a very valuable asset to TLC Federal Credit Union. I am looking forward to an opportunity to become a team member at TLCFCU!

Attached to this typed letter I have included a copy of my resume. I would welcome the opportunity to get more in depth with exactly what I have to offer your company and to better explain why I am the right person for your Customer Service position. Thank you so much for your time and consideration, and I look forward to meeting with you soon.


Elisa Lindquist
Personal Banker

Monday, February 16, 2009

Krista's OSU Cover Letter

Krista Varner
Universal Banker
U.S. Bank
987 Duane St.
Astoria, OR 97103

January 26, 2009

Dear Oregon State's academic advisors,

I'm currently maintaining a full-time position of universal banker at U.S. Bank in Astoria.  In addiction to fulfilling all my customers' needs I am a part-time student at Clatsop Community College.  My goal is to obtain a bachelor degree for OSU for elementary school education with a minor in Spanish.

Academically, I possess the qualities of an excellent student.  I graduated third in my high school class with an overall GPA of 3.8.  I earned scholarships to continue my education while staying in the work force.  I have attended Clatsop Community College part-time over the past three years.  I overloaded myself two years ago with excessive work hours, a demanding social life and a full-time class schedule.  I decided to take the time I needed to fully appreciate the beauty of a college education.  I am now eager and prepared to take on my own role as a serious college student.  

About fifteen months ago I began a professional career and have excelled in every aspect of it.  I was the highest referring teller in the district and have the second highest customer loyalty service scores in the entire region.  With raised self-confidence and lots of motivation I want to finish pursuing my dream of becoming an OSU student.  

Finally, I find being active in my community favorable to me as well as those I help.  I've volunteered a the local seafood festival, Relay for Life, and The Great Columbia Crossing.  My jobs are often small and simple but reflect on the overall success of the event.  I've met great people who in addition to being role models are now loyal friends.

I am firmly convinced I will be an excellent student at your college; my time management skills and inspiration are the facts i need to confirm my statement.  I will work my hardest to achieve obtaining a degree while living the life of a motivated college student.  i admire the numerous opportunities and experiences before me at Oregon State University.


Krista Varner

Katie Allen
Ms. Cook
Writing 122
8 February 2009

Nivea For Men Body Wash: Is it all Grown Up?

David Foster Wallace’s recent essay entitled “E Unibus Pluram” analyzes many aspects of television’s effect on American culture. One critique of an ad for Isuzu, featuring an “Oily, Satanic looking salesman” who told “whoppers about Isuzu’s ability to run on tap water”, states that this ad “invites viewers to congratulate themselves for getting the joke, and to congratulate Isuzu, Inc. for being “fearless” and “irreverent” enough to acknowledge that car ads are ridiculous and that the mass audience is dumb enough to believe them. The ad invites the lone viewer to drive an Isuzu as some sort of anti-advertising statement”(61). Similar tactics are at work in a recent Nivea for Men Body Wash commercial. By mocking the absurd marketing strategies of competitors such as Axe and Tag, Nivea invites viewers to feel "in on a joke" while simultaneously promoting their product.

The newest Nivea television advertisement begins with a close up shot of a bottle of Nivea for Men Bodywash held in a teenage boy’s hand. A school bell is heard in the background as he skeptically assesses the product. “Nivea for Men Body Wash, huh?” The camera angle changes and we see that the teen is in a high school hallway. “Dude,” the scruffy looking white boy says as he looks into the camera in an irritated manner, “Who uses a body wash to get clean?”

The scene changes. Two high school football players are loafing by the track. #23 is a Scottish looking fellow, and #67 is black. Runners are going by behind them, giving this scene the feel of a sports practice. #23 smells the product and says, “If the babes can’t smell it from here, I’m not interested. And the name’s gotta dominate. I dominate!” Then both players make a laughable fist pump gesture. A whistle signals the end of this scene. Cut to a nerdy Asian boy of about 17 also holding the Nivea. Behind him are a bicycle rack and a park. Nerd boy looks from the product to the camera and moans in a dismayed voice, “This won’t increase my ability to mate!”

The voice of the Italian grease monkey in the next scene is heard slightly before he is seen leaning on his suped up red auto. (A make on the car is conspicuously missing.) He is in front of some sort of school building. “They need to feel me, they need to hear me, they need to see me, above all they gotta smell me,” he says in a fast, cocky tone. “They gotta be attracted somehow.” At this point, most viewers will be smirking at the ridiculous statements of each of these boys.

The fifth scene starts with upbeat background music. A reasonably attractive man of about 28 wears a smart suit as he walks casually through the streets of a metropolis. “Doesn’t dry your skin,” he reads as he walks. “Doesn’t reek,” he states concisely as he stops to give it a whiff. “Isn’t that the point?” At this point we get a close up of his face as he gestures coolly with the product. We see that he’s got very nice facial features compared to the boys of the previous scenes. Throughout most of this scene, Nivea’s web address is displayed in an unobtrusive gray in the bottom right hand corner.

After this, the background music kicks into about third gear and viewers see a bottle of the body wash next to the words “The body wash for grownups”. This message is superimposed over a man lathering himself more slowly than I’ve ever seen anyone lather themselves in my life. Somehow, the sexuality of this scene is still subtle. An authoritative male voice-over exclaims, “Finally, a body wash for grownups. Nivea for Men has a fresh, subtle scent, and it’s good for your skin.” The camera cuts back to the good looking man. “Works for me,” he concludes, giving the product a manly pat. The final scene consists of a dark blue background with Nivea’s logo, a bold typeface of the words “Nivea” (in white) and “For Men” (in smaller blue print against a silver background). At the bottom of the screen, still smaller white letters spell out “What Men Want.” The voice-over reads the words.

The demographic this ad targets is clear: young men or boys eager to appear grown up and masculine. While it pokes fun at some of the advertising techniques employed by Axe and Tag body products (both of whom target a similar demographic), it also cleverly tries for the same appeal. Nivea builds off of the assumption by the aforementioned brands that marinating your body in cheap cologne is conducive to sexual attractiveness.

The ways in which the young men at the high school are portrayed are specific to the stereotypical clique that they represent. Differences notwithstanding, each of them is meant to seem young, naïve, and desperate for female attention. We as an audience are expected to mock the implied fact that so many young men have bought into the mentality that a product can define you in terms of sexual attractiveness. They each look at the product, smell the product, and emphatically reject it because 1) It doesn’t smell strongly enough to attract women, 2) The cleansing properties of a product are apparently of no importance to them, 3)The name doesn’t “dominate”. In contrast, the older, successful looking man regards the product in a very aloof manner. His response is positive, but not excited. We get the impression that he is a busy man, a man who has better things to think about than body wash. The product is an afterthought.

Which of these men seems the most attractive to the viewer? Definitely the last one, in the shower, with his Nivea. In this way the implied message is paradoxical. We are lead to believe that it is silly to equate sexiness with one’s brand identity, yet the sexiness inherent in the last man as compared to the earlier boys does in fact equate attractiveness and maturity with the product.

Although, this advertisement largely uses humor and sexuality to attract viewers, Nivea does put in a quick word for the actual advantages of it’s product. In the final scene, the attractive man tells viewers, “doesn’t dry your skin”. In the steamy shower scene we learn that it has a “fresh, subtle scent”. These elements are present, but they are not in the foreground of the commercial. In general, this ad assumes viewers are familiar with the Axe and Tag's approaches and posses preconceived, negative notions about advertising. By making fun of advertising, Nivea implies that the creators of the ad are not trying to pull one over on the viewer. The viewer is smart. The viewer is in on the joke. In this roundabout way Nivea uses pathos to make their appeal. The ad makes the viewer laugh; it points out to the viewer the absurdity of marinating in cheap body wash or cologne; it bolsters the viewer’s ideas about not being owned by a brand, and yet, at the same time, it advertises a new "more mature" brand.

How effective is this strategy for Nivea? According to Corporate Media Relations of Beiersdorf in Hamburg, Germany, Nivea is the largest skin care company in the world (although it’s main following is in European countries),and the Nivea for Men line accounts for 20% of sales. The creators of this ad are trying to boost the sales of Nivea’s men’s products by directly challenging two of it’s main competitors: Axe and Tag. Compared to the Axe and Tag commercials, Nivea’s ad is a breath of fresh air. It appeals to the viewer's intelligence, a highly valued commodity. By using humor, they’ve attract attention and entertain. If Nivea For Men Body Wash is as mild and underhandedly sexy as it’s advertisers claim it to be, I’m sure there are many who would choose this new product over marinating in Axe any day. Kudos to Nivea for using a sophisticated approach to appeal to a more sophisticated audience of men who want to smell good to attract women.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shade: Advertising Analysis

Army Strong: Patriotic or Individualistic?

“Believing in yourself is strong. Achieving what you never believed possible is Army strong” (qtd. in Sports Illustrated 31). These words, in white, half-inch capital letters, fill the lower one-third of the 8.5x11 color-print ad in Sports Illustrated. The Army logo is small but prominent in the lower right corner. The other two-thirds of the page shows us a strong, young soldier in the front seat of a military vehicle surrounded by electronic equipment. It is difficult to tell where this vehicle is because you cannot see any specific terrain through the window. The location does not appear to be the desert terrain of the countries where our soldiers are currently deployed. The soldier in the ad is wearing fatigues and a helmet that project a sense of purpose. His presence occupies nearly half of the upper two-thirds of the page, and the equipment fills the remaining upper two-thirds. He is concentrating seriously on an electronic map on the computer next to him. The uniform, the enormous display of technology and the serious expression on the soldier’s face are meant to imply that this is important and serious work. We are a country at war yet the ad explains that there are over “150 career opportunities available” in the Army. This ad is appealing to the individual’s desires for a better future although we are at war and should appeal to patriotism.

The word “strong” appears in this print ad five times. This is an effective appeal to young men to join the army. The soldier pictured is young, attractive, and healthy looking. This is an image that most young men find pleasing. This advertisement is appealing solely to the individual and their desires for a better future and self-improvement. What is absent from this ad is that we currently have over 200,000 troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan (Dept. of
Defense “Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Regional Area and by Country” 4). The Army’s attempt to appeal to the individual’s ego instead of liberty, freedom or patriotism shows sensitivity to how unpopular these conflicts are. If there were more support from the American people the ad may have made an appealed based on freedom and democracy instead of fascinating career opportunities.

In comparison to the patriotism-inspiring recruitment posters of World War II (WWII), this advertisement does not intend to inspire a collectivist view of patriotism. The absence of any reference to the war in Iraq or our troops in Afghanistan is a clear statement of our country’s dissatisfaction with our involvement in these places. After the attack on Pearl Harbor that brought about America’s involvement in WWII, the recruitment posters were full of images of brave young men and women in uniform serving their country and fighting for our freedom from tyranny. These images of patriotic soldiers, whether in the trenches or at home, inspired young people to enlist and Americans to unite in support of the war.

So many more were lost during WWII yet this did not minimize the belief that it was the right thing do. The United States lost over 400,000 soldiers in World War II, according to J. Lee Ready in World War Two Nation by Nation.” The soldiers in WWII were hailed has heroes and their deaths were seen as necessary to protect freedom. To date, the United States has lost less than 5,000 soldiers (Dept. of Defense “Operations Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom Casualty Summary by State” 1). This cost is considered too high and Americans have chosen not support the current conflicts; however, we do support our soldiers by displaying ribbons and banners on our homes and businesses and magnetic signs on our cars. We raise money and send care packages to let them know we appreciate what they are doing. We give them a heroes welcome when they come home safely and we honor their memories when they do not.

The single advertisement seen in the Sports Illustrated, December 2008, issue is not representative of the Army’s entire recruiting campaign. Other print ads and television commercials appeal to parental concerns of their child enlisting. This focus can be viewed as an attempt to recognize that we are at war without coming right out and saying it directly. Deployment to unsafe areas is a major concern for parents who have children considering joining the army. If this was not a reason for concern then the Army would continue to promote college and career opportunities.

Patriotism, freedom and democracy are the foundation of our country. We have fought many wars since the Revolution in order to protect that foundation. We need soldiers and we will always need soldiers to ward off anyone who tries to undermine our foundation. Whether the Army, or any other branch of armed service, attempts to recruit soldiers by means of personal benefits or protection of our rights, there will always be men and women willing to join to be part of something important.

Works Cited

Ready, J. Lee. “World War Two Nation by Nation.” < http://www.worldwar->

United States Army. Advertisement. Sports Illustrated. 29 Dec. 2008: 31

United States. Department of Defense. Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Regional Area and by Country. 30 June 2008 <>

United States. Department of Defense. Operations Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom Casualty Summary by State. 7 Feb. 2009 <http://siadapp.dmdc.olsd.mil/personnel/%20CASUALTY/State_OEF_OIF.pdf>

Random House Internship

January 20, 2009

Random House, Inc.
On-line resume submission

RE: Intern – Books on Tape Division

To Whom It May Concern:

I am applying for the position of Publishing Intern in your Books on Tape division in Costa Mesa, California. Attached is my online resume. I am confident that you will find my combination of skills and experience, in addition to my love of all types of literature, a perfect addition to the Random House family.

I offer Random House my twenty-five years of extensive experience in a variety of public and private-sector office environments. This experience has given me a wealth of knowledge and skills in addition to a strong work ethic and desire to learn. After several years of successfully attending night classes while working full-time for Clatsop County, I am currently enrolled as a full-time student. I am pursuing my passion for writing and publishing while earning the degree that can advance my career from the administrative level to the professional. An internship at Random House would be an ideal foundation to this new career path in publishing.

As a student I have worked on The Bandit, the college newspaper, conducting interviews and writing articles. I have also performed various functions in connection to the content selection, editing and publication of the college’s annual literary journal, RAIN Magazine. I became familiar with Adobe InDesign software while working on both of these publications.

I have provided the highest quality administrative support to offices ranging is size from 4 to 20 professionals, including communicating with clients and staff verbally as wells as in written correspondence. In my job at Clatsop County I have been responsible for accurate payroll data input for 300 individuals for the past six years. I have been an avid reader all of my life and have been listening to books on tape for many years. In addition to my skills, I will also bring a number of other key qualities to Random House. I am adept at adapting to a variety of situations and personalities effectively in order to provide quality services and products. My computer experience has taught me the art of troubleshooting, which can be applied to all manner of business and personal situations. My supervisory experience has taught me that being part of a team, no matter what your position, is essential to create a successful end product. My payroll experience has taught me the value of customer service and that the tiniest detail matters to someone. My overall experience has cultivated the ability to manage projects of varying size, deadline and difficulty.

While I may appear to be overqualified for this position, I assure you that it is something I want so that I may learn the publishing business in a hands-on environment from the world’s largest English-language general trade book publisher. I look forward to meeting with you in person to further discuss this opportunity.

A. Cristine Shade

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

cover letter

Katie Allen
2125 S. Downing St.
Seaside, Or. 97138
(503) 440-4340
E-mail: Supamcawesomestuff@q.com
January 26, 2009
1928 Jewelry Company
Attn: Hiring Representative
Dear 1928 Jewelry,
Perusing the internet recently, I came across the 1928 Online Marketing Intern position and was very excited! I am a college freshman with a high interest in fashion, especially the area of vintage jewelry and accessories. I notice fashion wherever I go, and I must say, 1928’s beautiful, intricate jewelry, especially the Blue Bridal collection, has caught my eye in many high end retail shops, and I own three pairs of your chandelier drop earrings!
I have extensive experience navigating the Internet, especially on networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, and I know I would make an excellent promoter in these venues. I am extremely punctual in all aspects of my life, particularly in regards to my school and work responsibilities. I have a great eye, not just for jewelry and clothing but for typos and spelling errors as well. I type upwards of 60 wpm, and am a highly confident quick thinker.
I have worked in customer service for seven years, including two retail operations: OshKosh B’Gosh, where I was a sales associate for two years, and a Claire’s accessory shop, which I was instrumental in opening. I was a supervisor at Claire’s for a year, and I recall merchandising many of your products. My experience working in restaurant settings has bestowed upon me the ability to establish a favorable rapport with many diverse groups of people, often in a short amount of time. As you will see in my attached resume, I’ve been with my current employer for over three years, and am a valued member of our staff.
I am currently enrolled at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Oregon. I definitely have a propensity for the arts and literature versus math and science, and am looking forward to taking classes in design. The position of Online Marketing Intern for a company as well established as 1928 jewelry would certainly open up doors for me in the arena of fashion and promotion.
I sincerely hope to hear from you soon. The opportunity to prove myself to be a good fit for your esteemed operation would be greatly appreciated. I really think I’d learn a lot interning for you, and I’m eager to bring a fresh new perspective to the table. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to give me a call or e-mail me!
Thank you for your consideration,
Katie Allen
-Let me just say that it took me a considerable amount of effort just getting this to post, so please excuse the flawed format.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hey there everybody! As some of you know, I died last week! I do however have good news; I've been resurrected.
I’ll Also add a few things about me: I am a native Astoria who moved away for a few years and came back (just couldn’t stay away.) I’m in the Navy and will be shipping off in June!
On a random note, I have 7 sisters which more than likely explains why I am so strange…
- Jason (the gun control guy)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Soapbox Arguement

Discrimination Against Disabilities

Picture this: you are a person in a wheel chair and you need a new dress for a date that you have. You decide to shop at Fred Meyer. All of the dresses in your size are in the middle of all of the other racks in the women’s department. There is only about a two and a half foot clearance between the racks. How are you going to get to the dresses? You actually will not be able to without help. The crowded racks limit where and how you are able to shop, hence, you are unable to pick out your own clothing because you are in a wheelchair. People without these disabilities can get to the rack because the can maneuver around the obstacles but, you can’t. This is a problem not just for you but for all disabled people with mobility issues. An entire group of people are being discriminated against because, the American Disability Association
I am a daughter of an amputee and because of this I see obstacles as whether it is accessible or not. Many public places are not accessible to people with disabilities. The American Disability Association (ADA) has been working with the Federal Government to try to change the problems of discrimination and lack of accessibility but making changes has been an up hill battle all the way. I was under the miss-guided assumption that, there were regulations for all public facilities. However this is not true. After hours of research I found only some buildings constructed after certain dates have to comply with the new federal building codes. Because there is not a regulation in place for all public buildings, concerning access and maneuverable space, then crowded shopping aisles, at any public shopping venue should be considered a form of discrimination.
I was always under the assumption that if a building was accessible to all of the public, then it was regulated by the ADA. However, this is not the case. Aisles, bathrooms, checkout counters, parking spaces, golf courses, amusement park ramps are all regulated by the ADA, but racks at department stores are not regulated. If the structure is not fixed in place then it is not regulated. If Federal Legislation and the ADA can regulate the space between check out counters and bathroom stalls, then the ADA should change the standards. The legislation should be rewritten to include regulation of space between clothing racks, remodeling bathrooms without sufficient room, and remodeling buildings without elevators.
Just because a building or business has a handicap sticker indicating that they are handicap accessible does not mean that they are in compliance with the ADA and state codes. Places like Jo-Anns Fabrics actually get in trouble for not being in compliance with the ADA and Federal building codes. They were forced to close and remodel in order to be in compliance. This should set the standard for all businesses. Any business that is not in compliance should be shut down until they address the issue because discrimination should not be tolerated.
Some would argue that employees of businesses are there to help people with any problems they may have, including, if they are disabled and that is why the businesses do not consider the inaccessibility issue as discrimination. Unless the store has a person waiting in all access areas, during all hours of operation, specifically assigned to helping people with disabilities, then accessibility is an issue that needs to be addressed. I know from experence, getting help in any department store difficult, but for a person with disabilities it is exceptionally difficult.
Former President Bush adjusted some of the legislation pertaining to the ADA. However, upon reviewing his adjustments I did not find anything dealing with access. The new legislation that was put into effect dealt with discrimination in the work place and in the hiring process. Now that President Obama is in office, there is an amendment to the Disabilities Act as part of his agenda. Perhaps with all the changes that we can make under his leadership, the regulations for public buildings too can change. It is a time to look past discrimination for everyone. “Yes We Can” provide equal access to shopping for people with disabilities. We can address these issues in Fred Meyer and other department stores.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Katie Allen
Ms. Cook
Writing 122
20 January 2009
Hiking Alone: Is it a Bad Idea?
Cougars are, by definition, large and powerful tawny brown cats, sometimes also called mountain lions. The term also refers to lascivious middle aged women out on the prowl for boy toys, but we’ll return to that later. For now, I’d like to discuss the wonderful pastime of hiking, and how potential threats, including malevolent people, bad weather conditions, getting lost, and yes, cougars, might strike fear in the hearts of young women such as myself. Such specters are even more frightening when considering the plight of a hiker alone. But I believe, and hope to convince you that although hiking alone may not be a good idea for everyone, making informed decisions and adhering to safe and sensible guidelines particular to your hike will greatly increase your chances of a successful hike.
I am by no means antisocial. However, by my own choosing or not, it seems that most of the ventures I undertake are solo hikes. I find hiking alone to be more satisfying. I don’t have to worry about keeping pace with a less avid pal, or about holding back a more seasoned mountaineer. I can venture onto as many tangent paths as I like, and choose my starting point and destination with no argument. If I set out with an attitude of common sense and an understanding of my surroundings, I believe that this solo mode of hiking is alright for me. I think that the unlikely specters mentioned previously are no reason to quell my desire to explore the great outdoors.
That being said, let’s get down to specifics. There are a number of precautions one should take when on a hike, alone or not. Some of these may seem obvious to you, reader, but I think it best to outline them anyway, since common sense is not always as common as it might be.
First, there are things you should do before you even set off. Know your area. Consult a map if needed. Have a set point of destination. Keep someone whom you trust informed of your whereabouts, including letting them know when you’re expected at your set destination. Do not attempt a hike if you are seriously ill, or have any broken bones. This is not going to be good when you fall down. A self defense class couldn’t hurt. In fact, I’m sure it’d do a body good, all told. If you’re comfortable with guns, by all means, show up packin’! I’ve spoken with many people who cite the uselessness of something like jiu jitsu in the face of a firearm, so I suppose that getting comfortable and familiar with a gun in the interest of self defense is a wise idea, albeit not one to take lightly.
Here’s another good idea: Get a dog! Aside from being dopily adorable, dogs are fiercely loyal, and quick to defend their owners against the Johnny Q. Rapists of the world. An added bonus: Who wouldn’t want to see man’s best friend take down a cougar? Can you say “Awesome?”
As for supplies, carrying a flashlight has always been a must for me. A fire source is a good thing to have as well. Cell phones are smart, although they may be out of range on some trails. Food and water- both excellent choices. Some sort of first aid kit is a good idea, too. Once you are on your hike, no matter how crystal clear and tempting it may be, do not drink water from an unfamiliar source, and no matter how ripe and robust looking those berries are, please don’t eat them.
Picture a single hiker who has made ample preparations for her day hike over Tillamook Head. She’s researched a map, packed a lunch, has plenty of water, and a Leatherman. She’s got a lighter and matches, a flashlight, she’s dressed appropriately and has informed friends as to her whereabouts. Perhaps most importantly, she’s hiked this trail many times.
Now picture two female hikers from out of town (let’s call them Cordelia and Myrtle) setting out on this same hike. They’re in their shorts and t-shirts, and have a mountain dew and a sixer of Heineken. They don’t know the area. This is just whimsy for them. When Cordelia falls down and sprains her ankle, how is Myrtle, in her buzzed and frantic state, going to call anyone for help? They don’t have cell phones. I guess they’ll have to wait for that nice single lady with all the great hiking gear to come along.
Of course, these are silly, hypothetical situations, at least the one involving Cordelia and Myrtle. When prepared and knowledgeable like my first hiker, two heads are better than one. There are certain ventures that would be just plain stupid to attempt alone. I would never climb Mt. Hood alone, or even with a group. Three men froze to death up there in 2006, so give me an actual climbing expedition team on that one, and let’s do it in high summer. I don’t have a death wish. Any night hike requires a partner, particularly one with whom you can share a sleeping bag. Always consider location. Clatsop County has a sparse population whose main degenerate interests are drugs and alcohol, not violent crime. If I were hiking in a metropolis, I’d feel a lot better stumbling upon a malevolent hobo with a friend at my side.
Some will argue that even after having taken the greatest of care in these ventures, it’s still not completely safe to hike alone. These people are absolutely right. Several hiking websites even site this as their number one rule. Safety in numbers is a very sound concept, and one which I am not wholly trying to refute.
What I am saying is that nothing is a total guarantee of safety. I do not delude myself into thinking I’m not taking a risk when I hike alone. I suppose what I’m trying to do here is explore when and where it might be more acceptable to do so, and highlight some precautions one might take when out on a trail, alone or in a group. Whatever situation you find yourself in, be as prepared as possible, look before you leap, and don’t be overconfident. I think that hiking has been a good medium for discussing these things.
Reader, if I haven’t convinced you of my woodsy savvy, I hope I’ve at least provided you with an adequate explanation as to why I feel safe enough to hike solo in certain circumstances. I hope you find me informed and cautious enough that my risk for peril is somewhat lessened. After all, looking back at that sexy cougar from page one, I know I’d like to keep myself alive long enough to someday be one. Wouldn’t you?

Brewing up Dollar Signs By Krista

An Italian business owner named Luigi Bezzera in 1903 made the first espresso.  The Italian term "espresso" translates to "fast" in English.  Bezzera wanted to introduce coffee that brewed faster and tasted better.  Now more than a hundred years later a large portion of the population fits a trip or multiple trips to the coffee shop in one day.  Hard earned money goes further when consumers focus more on their needs rather than their wants; the materialism, and feelings of requirement when focusing on coffee shop coffee has overpowered far too many.

I don't think I'm alone when I say I don't agree with the large growing industry of over-priced coffee drinks.  Purchasing coffee shop joe seems to be draining wallets more than ever.  The prices are simply always on the rise.  The charges are hardly noticeable so nothing seems so dramatic until you take the time to analyze the situation.  For example say you favorite drink is a 10 oz sugar free French vanilla latte with soy, extra hot and no foam.  The price was $3.45 and now it is $4.45.  Suddenly you are paying an extra dollar for the same drink.  You continue to  buy that drink once a day for a typical five day workweek.  Suddenly the cost increases adds up t o$25 a month, and $300 a year.  After a five-year period you have spend over $1,000 on numerous cups of coffee you enjoy for approximately twenty minutes.  Unfortunately the price listed above is not reflected with a tip, most coffee goers tip once dollar per cup, I'll let you do the math. 

Recent studies have shown many coffee goers feel that having a latte or a mocha in their hand serves as a sense of security for the person.  somehow the person doesn't feel complete without holding that non-recyclable cup to be polluted into the environment for thousands of years.  Also it seems espresso drinks are a prim problem from the materialistic point of view.  I work at an 8-5 job with several people who spends a significant amount of time focusing on: when they will get their next coffee, who will go, who is paying, what to get, and on and on.  I see what I would assume to be around an eighty dollars being distributed to the three surrounding coffee shops everyday.

I've been an employee of U.S. Bank for about fourteen months now.  I have worked full-time at two branches and have filled in at a couple others.  I have seen many people come in seeking help with their account.  the customers come to me with hope and anticipation I can solve all of their problems.  Personally this past December was the most frustrating month yet.  I wold be down right shocked when customers would come to my desk, an espresso in one hand, and a printout of their recent transactions, a teller had given them, in the other.  I listen patiently as they proceed to tell me one story after another about how they can't afford these overdraft fees and would continue to include remarks such as, "thanks to you my child won't get a Christmas," or "what, did you not expect me to feed my child?"  I would respond by sitting at my desk keeping a permanent smile on my face , just like I was trained.  I would bite my tongue from saying, "well if you don't have any money to feed your kids why on earth do you have that espresso drink?"  Then I look at the printout and see where all their money went, straight to the busy tills of the twenty-five coffee shops between the Cannon Beach junction and the east side of Astoria.

I'm guilty of being hypercritical to the practice.  I do enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning, brewed for approximately fifty cents, in my own kitchen.  I know my boundaries with money and learned to consider specialty coffee drinks as treats rather than a routine.  I focus on the savings I could accrue by not wasting my money on overpriced coffee and similar products I don't necessarily need.  I remind myself of a scenario that happened a couple weeks ago.  I got my hair cut and ran across the street to the Astoria Coffee House.  I had my dad with me, I offered to buy him a coffee, and then a text came in from my mom with her orders.  Suddenly I'm up to three coffees, but wait here comes my best friend.  Of course she doesn't turn down the opportunity.  Before I know it I've spent nearly $20.00 with a tip.  I could have used that money for nearly three weeks of gas.  While researching and expressing my opinion with others I get the impression I come off as "tight" with my money.  I like to break down the facts to be sure I'm making wise choices to live the best life I can.  I won't fall the materialistic latte growing trend nor will I put a significant part of my paycheck toward indulging in an outrageous priced up of java.  I'm anxious to see what the future holds for those addicted to coffee while battling this tough economy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Educating Myself: Reasons Why I’m Worth It by Cristine

My husband and I were never in a financial position to save for our children’s education. It was a burden that grew heavier the closer they came to finishing high school. However, when my father passed away suddenly two years ago, he provided for our children’s futures what we could not. When the time came to send our daughter off to college we enrolled her, bought her books, paper and pencils, and she was off. Three terms later, after four failed classes, she proclaimed college wasn’t for her. We were shocked and didn’t understand because we had been talking about how important college was since her first day of kindergarten. I, too, had blown off my opportunity for college when I was her age, but I had also come to regret that decision. I am constantly reminded that without a college education I cannot move from administrative support into the higher paying professional areas of the companies that have employed me. Since our daughter does not want the opportunity to go to college, I decided to use my father’s money to complete my own education because a college education is important to me. Hence, I’m the better investment, moreover, with a college degree I can offer her another opportunity later.

Although I’ve struggled with the decision, using my father’s money for my own education just makes sense. I have a desire and passion for education that my daughter does not possess. I want to sit in class and take notes, even if it’s boring. I want to write paper after paper on topics that I don’t really understand. I want to stay up late reading chapter after assigned chapter until my eyes hurt. I want it. She does not. So why do I agonize about allowing myself this opportunity?

Although I always thought of it as my daughter’s college money, the truth of the matter is that the money came to me from my father’s estate. My husband and I did the responsible thing and set sufficient money aside to provide for both of our children’s education. It is disappointing that our daughter turned it down, and I would give up all of my dreams to ensure a bright future for her, but it is out of my hands now. I’ve earned the right to pursue my dreams of an education and career in a writing-related profession.

My primary goal is to complete my college education, which makes me the better investment. I’m more reliable and I have a proven track record for being able to follow through when I commit to a class. I’ve been taking night classes on a regular basis for many years and have a GPA of 3.44.

Statistics show that a person with a college degree has a greater earning potential than one without. As I progress through each degree level my ability to provide another opportunity for education for our daughter will also increase. I may not be able to pay for her education 100%, but I will be able to lessen the financial burden on her later.

Some may argue that I’m being selfish, that I should leave the money alone until she decides what to do with her life. How many of us knew exactly what we wanted to do right out of high school. What if she decides next year that she wants to return to school? We will just have to address that possible if it comes. I cannot put my life on hold while she figures out what to do with hers.

Another important consideration in this decision is that I cannot work full-time and go to school full-time. I will have to quit my job or work part-time in order to commit to school full-time. I have a good government job with good benefits, and I have a family to support. Quitting or working part-time would affect my health and life insurance and my pension enormously. On the other hand, my husband has health insurance available, albeit at a much higher rate than I pay, and we have other retirement investments in place. Let’s not forget that my increased earning potential (after my degree) means the ability to pay for insurance and to make larger contributions to our retirement in the future.

All things considered, I will use the money set aside for our daughter’s college education to pursue my own educational goals. I have a passion for education proven by my continued attendance at night school for many years. I am more reliable as evident by my GPA. I am the better investment knowing what I want and possessing the desire to achieve it. It is a gift to be able to pursue my dreams and my family will be better off no matter what the outcome because I will be better able to provide for them.


Anyone else struggling with the copy and paste feature?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Mama

I'm the teacher of this wonderful CC night class. Their writing gives me hope! And, yes, I'm high on Obama, which, for today anyways, affects my mood about as much as my delightful and opinionated toddler Izi. Yes, frequent waking in the night is part of my mental profile. If you read carefully, you can find me named by name; however, for now, following my president's leave, I'm going to leave my name mostly out. There's nothing I would like better than for my students to change my mind. I'm open to persuasion, attracted to good storytelling, and a stickler for great titles and introductions. I'm also a retired essayist myself (with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction) from a few years back, which, now seems like a lifetime away. Now I teach. Now I parent. Now I make ends meet, as a single Mom with a mortgage a little too big for one income and childcare expenses. I suppose I'm a poster child for many Americans minus my fabulous healthcare. I got a chiropractic massage this morning (lucky me), and I sure hope that doesn't go away in the national costcutting fiesta to come.

I am just me..Adina

Hey to all of you out there! I am currently going to Clatsop Community College and am working on my AAOT. I will transfer and go on to becoming a teacher.

I am really excited about taking WRT 122. I was born to argue. When I went to visit my grandparents we would have long discussions and sometimes I would take the opposing side even if I didn't agree with it. I would like to believe that I am very open-minded and believe that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.

I am a more than full time student, part time employee of The Home Depot and single mom of a 20-month angle (most days). I would like nothing more than to make a difference in a world by teaching children. I think that it is very important that children have great teachers, mentors and advocates. You never know when you are going to be that one person that made a difference in a persons life!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Krista; noun, definition follows;

Hey to everyone in my writing 122 class and everyone else brave enough to indulge their time in following this soon to be exciting blog.  This is only my second writing class and I have to say so far so good.  I'm trying to get some general classes done before I go to OSU next year.. Whoop Whoop! :)  I work full time at a bank doing a universal banking position which means I am a teller and a personal banker mixed together creating the perfect position for me.  I enjoy randomness, the smell of fresh cut grass, my car, over sized purses, lingonberry juice from iKea, Super Nintendo, the show Friends, a clean good smelling room, the feeling you get when your laundry is all done, pan-fried top ramen noodles, having a full gas tank, sunny crisp days, and Mac Books.  I dislike the improper use of there, their, and they're, loud sudden noises, Keith Urban, bad haircuts, this poor economy, chipped nail polish, driving in the ice, the first sign of a cold, when a rock gets in my shoe, the contents of hot dogs, dirty dishes, drinks without ice, and mayonnaise.  I like to focus more on the positive things in life rather than the negative, I illustrated that above by making my list of likes larger! =)  My favorite place in the world is Disneyland!  Seriously, I've been twice, both times amazing.  This past summer I went with my best friend, fun, stressful, but above all one of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  The picture is from the Tower of Terror in California Adventure.  I'm on the top row in the white shirt with stripes.  Kelsie, my best friend is the girl with her face buried in my arm scared to death <3.

I am not sure of what kind of major I want to pursue, I change my mind what seems like daily.  I am more interested in finishing my requirements currently while juggling friends and work.  I have learned from my mistakes of not properly prioritizing and balancing the three.  I am now going back slowly in order to make a successful transition next year.  I'm excited to get to know all of you while we spend these Tuesday evenings together and hope I learn skills I can take with me to OSU and to my future career.  I just wish my book would arrive via snail mail!


My name is Cristine and I want to be a writer. That was harder than you might think. It has only been recently that I can say that out loud and not worry obsessively about what you think of me. Silly, I know, but I do worry about what others think. The good news is that I’m trying to find the key to remove that particular handcuff that keeps me from reaching my full potential. It isn’t easy but I’ll keep looking.

I have a husband that started the New Year with a heart attack, a daughter that dropped out of college and a son that may not graduate high school this year, but I love them all and life goes on. They are actually very supportive of my desire to become a writer, although they might be rolling their eyes behind my back. (Where the hell is that key?)

I have the next 12 months to figure out what I want to do with my life. You might think that is a long time but it took me 25 years to realize that I want to be writer so wish me luck with that one, or not, I don’t care. (I think I might see that key after all.)

I look forward to meeting with all of you every Tuesday night. I wish you the best and if you are also looking for the key let me know. I’ve looked in a lot of places already and might be able to save you some time.


Hello, all. My name is Katie and I am a part of Nancy Cook's Writing 122 class. We meet every tuesday evening, which is awesome because at this time of night there is actually parking. For all of my other classes I am forced to park some 3 blocks away, and am forced to run my horrible car into the curb to keep it from rolling down Astoria's notorious hills. (my e-brake dosn't like to work). The primary objective of our class is to become better arguers, therefore better critical thinkers. We write papers. Yes. I like to write, I'm a great fan of the English language, although it has been 6 years since I have been in school, meaning that I havn't done writing in this format for that same amount of time. I look forward to it! School is good. I'm having to force myself to use capital letters as I write this, as e mail has somewhat corrupted my use of them for a while now. haha. Anywho, this is my first post, hello, how's everyone? Hope you're all good. I'm doing well. Aside from being a new student at Clatsop Community College (Go Mascots!) I work at Doogers in Cannon Beach, which I find incredibly amusing, and sometimes lucrative. I enjoy running, hiking, reading, singing, and socializing. I also like food and drink. I don't know what my major it going to be, but I figure that taking some of the classes required of me to fulfill my AAOT requirements will be a good way to find out! I range from bubbly and outspoken to withdrawn and lethargic, so watch out! (ha)